Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Review of VigRX Oil

 Few things in life suck more than when you're having sex and you can't get hard. That kinda defeats the purpose of sex, does it not? That's erectile dysfunction for you - hitting below the belt and with serious detriment to your ego.

Hey, we've all been there. ED can strike anyone, although it's more common as you age. Men in their sixties are four times more likely to go soft when it counts than men in their forties. Other risk factors? Smoking, excess booze intake and psychological issues. Especially if you've got performance anxiety!

Fortunately, you've stumbled on the ultimate back-up plan. Worried that you'll go limp? VigRX Oil has got you covered. Literally.

Review of ExtenZe


 News flash - the world ain't getting any younger. Roughly 10,000 Americans are hitting their 60th birthday every day. That's an impending wave of seniors who still have many good years left and want to make the best of them.

Many of these sexy new seniors are ExtenZe clients, having made the product into one of the best known natural male enhancement products. Some big names stand behind ExtenZe too, among them, former spokesmen Jimmy Johnson (of Dallas Cowboys fame) and NASCAR driver Kevin Conway.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

ProsolutionPills Review

 ProSolution Pills Versus ED Prescription Drugs

There is no doubting the fact that prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction have become a mainstay on the market. Everywhere we look and everywhere we go these sexual health products are sold to us, and Viagra and Cialis have become brand names that are just as notable as Heinz or Nike. Unfortunately, while these two products are popular and effective in many ways, both of them require consultation with a doctor and a full prescription before you are able to purchase them.

As if erectile dysfunction isn’t embarrassing enough, these products force you to head into a clinic and have a one on one discussion about how you cannot perform or engage in the sex that you desire. This is an embarrassing situation that you can completely avoid with a sexual health product such as Pro Solution Pills.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Review of Volume Pills

 The first question that people often ask when they first hear about semen enhancing pills is "what the heck are they and how do they work"?  However, after people come to understand just how these male enhancement products work and what benefits they supposedly bring to the table, the next question is "well do these products actually work"?
Assuming you are reading this article because you are looking to increase the volume of your ejaculation, let's tackle question number two with a full review of Volume Pills.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Review of ProSolution Plus

 This ain't ProSolution Pills - it's ProSolution Plus. Same maker, different formula. Guys buy ProSolution Plus because it's a natural remedy for premature ejaculation. Your sex drive will like it too, actually, because simply put, it's also one of the best natural male libido supplements.

Some background information on ProSolution Plus: the company launched the product in 2013 for guys who continuously wrote in about this troubling issue. With premature ejaculation affecting up to 30% of guys - and just how much it lowers satisfaction and quality of life - the demand is huge.

A Little TestRx Goes a Long Way

 Dear Testosterone. You're the manly hormone that makes me a guy. I didn't have much of a relationship with you until I hit puberty. Then we became good friends - boy did we! You deepened my voice and gave me bigger muscles. My bones got thicker and, heck, you even increased my penis size.

Thanks for that, Testosterone, because you helped me get sporadic erections and made me a stud in the bedroom.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Ejaculation and Male Potency Overview

 Since the beginning of time, it seems humans have been fixated on the beauty and power of the penis. A symbol of manhood, strength, dominance, and success, the penis and all its workings have prominently figured in the art and imagination of cultures worldwide. Yet all the attention given to penis size, erection capability, and lasting power is really pretty much an adjunct to the real moment of truth: the orgasm. After all, isn't that the real goal of all the penis-centered concern, to have bigger and more potent climaxes?

That may explain why the spotlight has focused more recently on ejaculation. Men are considering not only the intensity or strength of orgasms but how their volume of ejaculate affects many aspects of their sexual identity and enjoyment.

Overview of ejaculation

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Comparing VigRX Plus to ED Prescription Drugs Review

 Albion Medical and other makers of penis enhancement products believe that treating Erectile Dysfunction only takes an organic male enhancer product-- one of which is VigRX Plus™.

 The only side effect of all all-natural penis enhancer pills is pleasurable sex and the boost in self-confidence that follows.